Tuesday, April 17, 2012

White Howlers Are not BSDs.

You know the argument, BSDs were howlers. We understand. Yet when new art work comes out for WtA we expect to see Howlers as different from BSDs. BSDs should be twisted, dark, punkish goth monstrosities that roam the base edges of the waking nightmare. Howlers should be the very best of the Wolves.

Many disagree, as there idea to go into the Wyrms hidyhole was universally thought to be a genius as the metal spiked butt plug. Hindsight, 20/20, all that. However I say it took balls. Big ol' shinny ones. The real issue was that the collective willpower of the Howlers could be considered ... low due to that blue paint they put on there forms. For those who don't know, that blue stuff was a drug. Yhup. Even back then the paint was toxic.

There is so much more to that story, but really that's another rant. This one is about bluebells and why they make a huge difference between Howlers and BSDs.

With this in mind it is clear to note that the Howlers were more Druidic in culture and that should be reflected in the style they are (art) in. The BSDs, coming from the same yet being left in Greece/Roma when they went nutters should reflect more of that aria, though they should maintain the build of their pregenerators.

I have seen the sketches for the other tribes and while I take a few issues with them, I do not want to punch the artists nads as much as when I see the BSD look on the White Howlers.

So: White Wolf: Shoot your artist in the knee. It may help the guy focus if he cant run about all day leaving the rest of us to wallow in scratch and sniff sketches.

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