Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Nickelodeon: You have redeemed yourself.

Avatar: the Last Air Bender, (cartoon not the M.N. Shyamalan bunk that shall be ripped a new one in another post), was with out a doubt a wonder of modern storytelling. The are was beautiful, the mythology well thought out and the world defined with meticulous detail. All in all, fabulous. Enough of a balance between romance, adventure and silly to satisfy every palette. Even the fluff episodes made more and gave greater background to the plot.

Avatar: the Legend of Korra is shaping up to be quite a good sequel. From how Aang is the air bender seen in the opening to how the reconciliation of fire and water carry over from the original, it is wonderful to know the world has evolved rather than stagnated or repeated itself with out adjusting for the last lives lived.

According to reincarnation theory/myths the life of the old soul impacts the lives of all new souls. This is because of two theories, both of which are true in there own way.

The first is that the soul becomes the animal or plant or what not that will teach the soul a lesson it has yet to absorb through its previous lives. The second is that souls that are nether horrific nor resplendent are allowed to dwell upon the mistakes and glories of there less than awesome lives. Then those souls are made to forget, and sent into what amounts to a dismantling plant. The parts are put back together, though not necessarily in the same way, and often mixed with parts from others. This allows them to become more than they were, one way or the other.

This also applies genetic imprinting and a social conscious that becomes a tie to the lessons of the past. Like when you hate people with out knowing why. Perhaps in a past life you dealt with someone a lot like them who did you very wrong or there is a part of their soul that you recognize as anti-you. Ether way, you are made up of your past.

When I watch Avatar I see this in effect. As an intricate part of the lore in the world the show takes place, it is good to know the research was done and is reflected. In two shows I see Zuko reflected, Aang and a few others. Bumi is most certainly a little nutter spark plug, much like his name sake. I see traces of all the personalities we know; from the cabbage merchant to the parents of Hope; recurrences are a very good sign of things to come.

While many say Republic City is to modern, I am aware of how much can change in a short amount of time. I am also aware that that city is stated to be out of balance. This makes sense as the modern era is reflected in this aria- minus the staunch pollution. I also see the reflection of the adage: Absolute Power...

I look forward to seeing how this sequel pans out and will be looking for those odd inconsistencies. Nickelodeon, I'm watching you.

I'm. Watching. You.

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